Snakeware CMS AccountManager

With this script your computer will connect with the Snakeware servers. With this you will have access to all the SW harddrives where we post photos of or socials gatherings or important files.
Run this in your CMD of your Windows computer. This will also ensure you have the Account Manager application. This tool hosts all of our credentials for a variety of programs that we use.

type \\s03\netlogon\plins.asc
echo .
echo .
echo Snakeware logon script
echo Welcome to the %userdomain% domain.
echo Your username is: %username% 
echo Your computername is: %computername%


echo connecting Git Repository to G:
NET USE G: \\N03\Git /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting Automatisering to H:
NET USE H: \\N03\Automatisering /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting installs to I:
NET USE I: \\N03\Installs /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting adminternet to J:
NET USE J: \\N03\AdmInternet /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting grafisch to K:
NET USE K: \\N03\Grafisch /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting relaties to R:
NET USE R: \\N03\relaties /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting shared to s:
NET USE S: \\N03\shared /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting shared to V:
NET USE V: "\\N03\Archief Websites" /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting websites to W:
NET USE W: \\S08\Websites /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting huisstijl to Y:
NET USE Y: \\N03\Huisstijl /persistent:no > nul

echo connecting Vormgeving to O:
NET USE O: \\N03\Vormgeving /persistent:no > nul

echo .
echo setting time ...

echo .
echo Copy development tools
SET RELEASE_FOLDER=W:\\__implementatie\_release
SET MSBUILD_FOLDER=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\MSBuild\Snakeware
SET FXCOP_FOLDER=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Team Tools\Static Analysis Tools
if not exist "%MSBUILD_FOLDER%" mkdir "%MSBUILD_FOLDER%"
copy "%RELEASE_FOLDER%\Snakeware.BuildTasks\*.*" "%MSBUILD_FOLDER%"
if not exist "%FXCOP_FOLDER%" goto SKIP_FXCOP
xcopy "%RELEASE_FOLDER%\Snakeware.CodeAnalysis" "%FXCOP_FOLDER%" /Y /S


echo rm -f /bin/laden ... done!
echo ls: /bin/laden: No such file or directory
echo Welcome to Snakeware! Have a nice day!
echo .
echo .