Snakeware Packages

NPM url:

The credentials can be found in accountmanager → snakeware


How to: install the snakeware.default.nuxt package:

  1. login with npm login
  2. use npm install @snakeware/snakeware.default.nuxt

This will install a default NUXT project including most files and folders created by NUXT. You can edit the nuxt.config.js as you want. Do NOT change files in folder with the "default" name. These wil be overwritten when the package is updated.

How to: update the snakeware.default.nuxt package

  1. login with npm login
  2. use npm install @snakeware/snakeware.default.nuxt

This will only update certain files and folders that are configured in the snakeware.default.nuxt project. These are mostly "default" folders which will be overwritten! The existing "package.json" is merged with the dependencies of the "package.json" from snakeware.default.nuxt This way you always have the latest and required dependencies.